ways to foster

types of fostering

types of foster care

Foster care can be short-term or long-term. Both types of foster care provide children with a safe and stable environment. A place to call home.

People from all walks of life can become foster carers – diversity is something we celebrate here at Foster Wales Swansea. Every foster family is different, and we recognise that. We have different types of foster care, so you can find an option that works for you.

short-term foster care

Short-term foster care can be as little as an hour or up to a whole year! It's an arrangement that's in place for a child who needs a temporary home while their longer-term plan is being considered.

Happy senior man smiling with young boy on shoulders

As a short-term foster carer, you’ll work with us as we secure the future for the child in your care. You’ll be there for them while they need you and help them move on to whatever comes next – their family, a new foster family, or maybe adoption.

Single female with sibling group

No matter how short a short-term stay is, it’s worth its weight in gold. Every single hour can make a difference to a child’s life and provide a pathway to a better future.

long-term foster care

Family playing a card game

Long-term foster care provides a child with a new home and a new family, often until they reach adulthood.

Female foster carers with teenager girl

A child is expertly matched with the right carer for their needs, with the goal of providing long-term stability. Long-term foster care offers a child a secure foster family for life.

specialist kinds of foster care

Short-term and long-term foster care can cover a range of specialist foster care types, too. These include:

Female carer with brother and sister

short breaks

Short breaks enable children to take a break away from their family home, providing them with a range of new experiences and opportunities.

Sometimes referred to as ‘support care’, short breaks can mean anything from a few hours to an overnight stay or maybe a whole weekend. These breaks are often planned in advance and can give children and families a breather on a regular basis. This can have a positive impact for both sides.

Single dad with baby

parent and child

Parent and child placements are offered to parents who need additional support with caring for their child. This type of fostering means you’ll guide and support someone through their parenting journey, while they develop the essential skills they need. You’ll nurture them in a stable environment until they’re able to move into independence with their child.

Brother and sister playing guitar

therapeutic care

Therapeutic care might be needed for children who have more complex behavioural or emotional needs. This type of care ensures that children receive the extra support they require. As a trained therapeutic carer, you’ll learn how to care for these children appropriately. We’ll give you an additional level of support to make sure you feel comfortable and capable.

Woman and young girl using computer to make video call

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