the story of

phil and jane

Phil and Jane are now well into their 12th year as foster carers.

the foster family

Husband and wife Phil and Jane have been part of the local Swansea community for decades, and now provide support, safety and love for those who need it the most.

“Over the years, we’ve mostly looked after teenagers. People sometimes think fostering is all about small children, and don’t realise that there are a lot of teenagers and young people who need care and a loving home too.”

Adventures and experiences to help them grow with the foundation of security and love to fall back on.

“Our lives haven’t been put on hold because we are fostering teenagers – they’ve made them so much better. The best thing about fostering teenagers is their humour. We laugh all the time with them”

“we have so much fun”

Providing that safe space for the people they care for allows them to express themselves and build strong relationships. This is something they will take through the rest of their lives.

“We take them through as many rites of passage experiences as we can. We’ve been to lots of music and dance festivals and we have spent a lot of time in our motorhome too, travelling and exploring different parts of Europe and the UK. It’s so rewarding to be part of their journeys and seeing them become young adults with all of this independence. “

“we give them a sense of belonging”

While all fostering stories differ from one another, what’s consistent is that the time spent with the Foster Wales family lasts long in the memory for all the right reasons.

“We’re often asked if fostering is rewarding. Of course, it’s hard and sometimes we can’t see the wood from the trees and lose sight of all the things we’ve achieved.”

“But when we look at how many kids we have fostered over the years, and how many of them have stayed in touch with us, we see how significant we are in their lives.”

want to start your own fostering story? 

The possibilities are endless when working with Foster Wales. For you, and the children in our care. Start your fostering journey with confidence today.

want to learn more?

Find out more about fostering and what it could mean for you.

Our fostering success stories are based on the real-life experiences of Local Authority Foster Carers in Wales. To protect their privacy, and the privacy of the children and young people to whom they provide care, love, and support, all the names have been changed and actors have stepped in to help us tell their amazing stories.

Story Time

Stories From Our Carers

Woman and young girl using computer to make video call

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